2021 premium holiday

for medical PPO, HDHP and HDHP basic plans

Chevron will temporarily suspend the monthly premium for pre-65 participants enrolled in the Chevron Medical PPO, the Chevron High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and the Chevron High Deductible Health Plan Basic (HDHP Basic). This means that the cost for medical coverage under these plans will be $0 during this premium holiday period.

If you are enrolled in a Chevron medical plan, you and Chevron share the monthly cost of coverage – the premium – for your plans. Our premium cost is determined, in part, by health claim expenses incurred by the plans in the previous year. For the Medical PPO, HDHP and HDHP Basic, we’ve determined that expenses have been better than projected, resulting in a surplus of funding at this time. For this reason, Chevron is temporarily suspending monthly premiums as we bring these plans’ funding back into balance.

get the details

The premium holiday applies to participants enrolled the Medical PPO, HDHP and HDHP Basic plans. The premium holiday is automatic, so there’s nothing you need to do. However, here’s what you can expect during this period.
  • You will not have to pay for coverage under these plans during the premium holiday.
  • The premium holiday applies to pre-65 participants of the Medical PPO Plan, the HDHP and the HDHP Basic.
  • The premium holiday also applies to employees who are on an unpaid leave of absence and are enrolled in the Medical PPO Plan, the HDHP and the HDHP Basic. 
  • The cost for medical coverage under these plans will be $0 for AutoPay deductions and mailed billing invoices issued starting in April 2021 (for May 2021 coverage). Normal premiums for these plans will generally resume with AutoPay deductions and mailed billing invoices issued starting in September 2021 (for October 2021 coverage).  
  • The premium holiday applies to all coverage levels, including Dependent Only and You Only through You + Family
  • The premium holiday only affects your monthly premium cost. Deductibles, coinsurance, copayments and other out-of-pocket costs will not change and remain your responsibility.
  • You should know that the starting and stopping of a premium holiday is not considered a qualifying life event. This means that you cannot change your 2021 medical coverage just because the premium holiday begins or ends.
  • The premium holiday does not apply to Medical HMOs, the dental plans, life and accident insurance plans or any other Chevron benefit plans.
  • The premium holiday does not apply to post-65 medical coverage.

Premium billing for enrolled participants in the Medical PPO Plan, the HDHP and the HDHP Basic will be affected as follows:

Payment method What to expect
For direct debit payments through AutoPay
  • The April 9, 2021 AutoPay deduction (for May 2021 coverage) is the first billing period with no premium deduction for medical coverage.
  • Your normal medical deductions will be reinstated starting with the September 9, 2021 AutoPay deduction (for October 2021 coverage).
  • If you participate in only Chevron medical coverage, there will be no AutoPay deduction from your account during the premium holiday.
  • If you participate in Chevron medical coverage along with other benefit coverage, such as life insurance, your AutoPay deductions will automatically continue to be taken for your other benefit plan premiums during the premium holiday period.
For mailed paper billing invoice payments
  • The billing invoice mailed in April 2021 (for May 2021 coverage) is the first billing period with no premiums due for medical coverage.
  • Your normal medical premiums will be reinstated starting with the billing invoice mailed to you in September 2021 (for October 2021 coverage).
  • If you participate in only Chevron medical coverage, you will not receive a paper billing invoice starting in April 2021 and through the duration of the premium holiday. Your billing invoices will resume again starting in September 2021.
  • If you participate in Chevron medical coverage along with other benefit coverage, such as life insurance, you will continue to receive a paper billing invoice that reflects payment due for your other benefit plan premiums during the premium holiday period.

Starting in April and through the end of August, the display of your medical coverage and the Wellness Credit (if applicable) will be temporarily different on the BenefitConnect website due to the premium holiday. 

  • You will continue to see your enrollment in the Medical PPO, HDHP or HDHP Basic, but the cost will appear as $0.
  • When the premium holiday ends, all medical premium cost and Wellness Credit displays will return to normal.

If you are on an unpaid leave of absence and are currently enrolled in and paying premiums for the Medical PPO Plan, the HDHP and the HDHP Basic through direct billing, the premium holiday will affect you as follows:

Pay schedule What to expect
For direct debit payments through AutoPay
  • The April 9, 2021 AutoPay deduction (for May 2021 coverage) is the first billing period with no premium deduction for medical coverage.
  • Your normal medical deductions will be reinstated starting with the September 9, 2021 AutoPay deduction (for October 2021 coverage).
  • If you participate in only Chevron medical coverage, there will be no AutoPay deduction from your account during the premium holiday.
  • If you participate in Chevron medical coverage along with other benefit coverage, such as life insurance, your AutoPay deductions will automatically continue to be taken for your other benefit plan premiums during the premium holiday period.
For mailed paper billing invoice payments
  • The billing invoice mailed in April 2021 (for May 2021 coverage) is the first billing period with no premiums due for medical coverage.
  • Your normal medical premiums will be reinstated starting with the billing invoice mailed to you in September 2021 (for October 2021 coverage).
  • If you participate in only Chevron medical coverage, you will not receive a paper billing invoice starting in April 2021 and through the duration of the premium holiday. Your billing invoices will resume again starting in September 2021.
  • If you participate in Chevron medical coverage along with other benefit coverage, such as life insurance, you will continue to receive a paper billing invoice that reflects payment due for your other benefit plan premiums during the premium holiday period. 
Please note that the display of the Medical PPO, HDHP and HDHP Basic medical plans may appear as $0 on the BenefitConnect website depending on when you report or model your life event. This is not an error and is due to the system programming for the premium holiday. While the $0 rate will apply to your coverage while the premium holiday is active, know that normal medical coverage premiums will be reinstated after the premium holiday has concluded. If your life event permits you to make medical coverage changes, contact the HR Service Center at 1-888-825-5247 (1-832-854-5800 outside the U.S.) for assistance with normal premium rates.
The BenefitConnect website will display a $0 rate for all medical plans affected by the premium holiday. If you need to see the normal medical coverage rates that apply after the premium holiday ends, call the HR Service Center at 1-888-825-5247 (1-832-854-5800 outside the U.S.) for assistance.
Call the HR Service Center at 1-888-825-5247 (1-832-854-5800 outside the U.S.) if you have additional questions about the premium holiday.