chevron total rewards
your chevron pay and benefits transition
for legacy PDC energy U.S.-payroll employees
to-do list
ask a virtual question
contact the plans
new! additional benefit resources
health benefits
watch videos
Here's a collection of health benefit videos to help you understand the basics of Chevron's health plans. Watch these videos first, then see the collection of health transition guides for additional information that might be unique to you as a legacy PDC Energy employee.
transition guides
Transition guides summarize key points of your Chevron coverage, including the monthly premium (where available) and provide additional information that is unique to your situation as a legacy PDC Energy employee.
Medical Plan Comparison & Costs
2025 Wellness Credit (reduced 2025 medical premiums)
Note: Not all premiums can be provided in advance. All monthly premiums will be available on the BenefitConnect website when you enroll December 9 - December 20, 2024.
wellness credit
With Health Rewards, earn 1,000 points when you complete qualifying activities by the November 12 deadline to qualify for up to a $750 premium reduction (called the Wellness Credit) on your 2025 Chevron medical plan coverage.
How to Qualify for the 2025 Wellness Credit
These are unique instructions for PDC Energy employees during your transition to Chevron benefits. Be sure to read all instructions here FIRST.
summary of benefits
additional summaries
VSP Basic Vision (gray column)
VSP Vision Plus (blue column)
qualify for reduced medical premiums
prepare for dependent verification
network providers
attend virtual office hours
Live virtual office hours are your opportunity to ask general, clarifying questions about your Chevron compensation and benefits. Office hours are optional. If you don’t have questions, you aren’t required to attend.
Locate the session(s) that work best for you. Next, click the link to download the invitation with the call-in information and add it to your calendar.
TIP: When you click the link, a calendar (.ics) file will be loaded to your computer's DOWNLOADS folder. Open the file, then click the SAVE & CLOSE button to save it to your computer.
Sessions for Compensation Questions
Sessions for Benefits
time away
watch videos
Here's a collection of videos to help you understand how time away works at Chevron. Watch these videos first, then see the transition guide and other supplemental materials for additional information that might be unique to you as a legacy PDC Energy employee.
Time Away Overview (12 min)
transition guides
Transition guides summarize key points of your Chevron benefits and provide additional information that is unique to your situation as a legacy PDC Energy employee. Be sure to have your Personalized Chevron Service Dates letter handy when reviewing the transition guide.
attend virtual office hours
Live virtual office hours are your opportunity to ask general, clarifying questions about your Chevron compensation and benefits. Office hours are optional. If you don’t have questions, you aren’t required to attend.
Locate the session(s) that work best for you. Next, click the link to download the invitation with the call-in information and add it to your calendar.
TIP: When you click the link, a calendar (.ics) file will be loaded to your computer's DOWNLOADS folder. Open the file, then click the SAVE & CLOSE button to save it to your computer.
Sessions for Compensation Questions
Sessions for Benefits
wealth benefits
watch videos
Here's a collection of wealth benefit videos to help you understand the basics of Chevron's retirement program. Watch these videos first, then see the transition guide and other supplemental materials for additional information that might be unique to you as a legacy PDC Energy employee.
Program Overview & Basics (3 min)
Chevron Retirement Plan (3 min)
Employee Savings Investment Plan (ESIP) (6:45 min)
transition guides
Transition guides summarize key points of your Chevron benefits and provide additional information that is unique to your situation as a legacy PDC Energy employee. Be sure to have your Personalized Chevron Service Dates letter handy when reviewing the pension section of the guide.
ESIP transition guide
investment options guide
real-time trading brochure
regulatory notices
what's inside?
Plan Designated Default Fund Notice
Information about how your contributions are invested when you don't have an investment election on file.
Participant Disclosure Notice
Contains details about fees associated with your Chevron ESIP 401(k) account.
Investment Comparative Chart
Shows performance and expense information for your Chevron ESIP 401(k) investment options.
BrokerageLink® Fee Appendix
Includes fee information related to the self-directed brokerage account option in the Chevron ESIP 401(k).
watch videos
You recently received Your Personalized Total Rewards Information via email. We know you have questions about some of the concepts and terminology on your letter. Here's a collection of compensation videos we think will help. These videos are designed to provide you with a basic foundation and understanding of common compensation concepts at Chevron.
hourly O&M
Total Rewards Philosophy (7 min)
Total Rewards Package (5 min)
Position Types (4:30 min)
O&M Compensation Overview (11 min)
Chevron Incentive Plan (CIP) (3:30 min)
Recognition and Awards (2:30 min)
Total Rewards Philosophy (7 min)
Total Rewards Package (5 min)
Position Types (4:30 min)
Career Ladder (6:30 min)
PSG (3:30 min)
Chevron Incentive Plan (CIP) (3:30 min)
Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) (5 min)
Recognition and Awards (2:30 min)
pay schedule change
career ladder information
Did your personalized letter indicate you are on a Career Ladder? You can access key career ladder materials, including Administrative Guides here. (intranet only)
attend virtual office hours
Live virtual office hours are your opportunity to ask general, clarifying questions about your Chevron compensation and benefits. Office hours are optional. If you don’t have questions, you aren’t required to attend.
Locate the session(s) that work best for you. Next, click the link to download the invitation with the call-in information and add it to your calendar.
TIP: When you click the link, a calendar (.ics) file will be loaded to your computer's DOWNLOADS folder. Open the file, then click the SAVE & CLOSE button to save it to your computer.
Sessions for Compensation Questions
Sessions for Benefits
This communication provides only certain highlights about benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Unless required by applicable law, there are no vested rights with respect to any Chevron health and welfare plan benefit or to any company contributions towards the cost of such health and welfare plan benefits. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.
plan documentation
Here's where to get phone numbers and websites for all your benefits.
Looking for employment verification?