family change

what do I do when ...

Learn about what you need to do if the eligibility status of your spouse or domestic partner has changed due to the following circumstances:

If your spouse's/domestic partner's open enrollment is at a different time than Chevron's open enrollment and you need to adjust your coverage:

If you've married your domestic partner:

These events require special handling, and cannot be initiated on the BenefitConnect website. 
Please contact the Chevron HR Service Center within 31 days of the event occurring for further assistance.

Learn about what you need to do if the eligibility status of your children has changed due to the following circumstances:

If your dependent day care costs have changed

If your dependent moves out of your HMO plan's network service area, for example to go to school

These events require special handling, and cannot be initiated on the BenefitConnect website.
Please contact the Chevron HR Service Center within 31 days of the event occurring for further assistance.

If your personal eligibility status has changed due to the circumstances listed below, you must change your benefits within 31 days of the event. Contact HR Service Center or login to BenefitConnect and locate the Initiate a Qualified Life Event banner on the home page to get started.

  • You gain other coverage and want to stop your Chevron coverage
  • You want to stop Chevron coverage and enroll in the public Health Insurance Marketplace

These events require special handling, and cannot be initiated on the BenefitConnect website. 
Please contact the Chevron HR Service Center within 31 days of the event occurring for further assistance.

  • You lose other coverage
  • You become Medicare enrolled
  • You gain Medicaid or state eligibility
  • You lose Medicaid eligibility

These events require special handling, and cannot be initiated on the BenefitConnect website. 
Please contact the Chevron HR Service Center within 31 days of the event occurring for further assistance.

This web page provides only certain highlights about changes of benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. There are no vested rights with respect to Chevron health care plans or any company contributions towards the cost of such health care plans. Rather, Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.