COVID-19 pandemic dependent care reimbursement program

for U.S.-payroll employees

We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has created unique and extraordinary challenges in the U.S. for businesses and families. Providing care for your dependents while you work is a familiar challenge, but this pandemic has greatly complicated these arrangements for many families. It’s also important to our success that you’re able to contribute your best in your role at work. For this reason, the COVID-19 Pandemic Dependent Care Reimbursement Program is now available to eligible U.S.-payroll employees effective September 1, 2020. This program offers temporary, limited financial assistance for families who may be facing unexpected additional dependent care expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chevron continues monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and will share updates as necessary.

You can be reimbursed up to $2,000 for eligible dependent care expenses incurred on or after September 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The maximum $2,000 reimbursement is per household, not per dependent.
  • While reimbursements for the care of children are more common, this program also includes other family members, including adults, who live with you and/or are dependent on you for their care.
  • If there are multiple eligible Chevron employees caring for the same dependents in the same household, only one employee will qualify for reimbursement under the Program.
  • Get the details here.

Only eligible expenses may qualify for reimbursement under the Program. One of the most common reasons a reimbursement isn't issued is because the expense doesn't meet the eligibility requirements below. Check to ensure your expense meets all of the following requirements:

  • An expense incurred by an eligible employee that is directly related to the care of an eligible dependent. (See the program document for information about eligible dependents.)
  • An expense incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • An expense incurred on or after September 1, 2020
  • An expense incurred while you were eligible to participate in the Program.
  • The expense must be reasonable. A reasonable expense is the amount incurred over what you would normally pay for your regular dependent care needs.
  • The expense must be necessary. A necessary expense is for the care of an eligible dependent so you can conduct Chevron business and perform the duties of your job — whether you’re working remotely or onsite at a Chevron location.
  • The expense is not duplicative or paid for by another dependent care plan, program or policy offered by Chevron or another employer. (For example, a flexible spending account like the Chevron Dependent Day Care Spending Account (DCSA) or a program such as the Chevron Dependent Care Reimbursement for Business Travel Program.)

The Corporation, in its sole discretion, shall determine which expenses are eligible expenses and reimbursable for the purposes of this Program.

These real world example scenarios can help you understand what's considered an eligible expense and what is not and may help answer your questions.

To receive reimbursement of dependent care expenses you'll need to complete the online form below.

Before you submit... 
Be sure to read the full program policy to verify eligibility requirements and program rules, including making sure your expenses are eligible for reimbursement. You'll be required to answer the questions on the form to certify your compliance with the program rules. These real world examples may also help you understand what's eligible for reimbursement and what is not. 

Expense documentation 
The reimbursement form will allow you to upload a copy of the bills and/or receipts for your eligible dependent care expenses. A receipt can include a canceled check or an invoice/receipt from electronic payment systems such as PayPal, Venmo or Zelle.

Important payment process details 
Reimbursement requests will be processed once a month and are paid through your regularly scheduled paycheck. Requests need to be submitted within 6 months of incurring the expense.

  • Because these reimbursements can only be processed via your paycheck, you must be on the U.S.-payroll at the time of payment to be reimbursed.
  • Please allow 6-8 weeks for the reimbursement to appear on your paycheck. Please note that reimbursements may currently take longer as payroll is working through a very high volume of payment processing needs due to enterprise support initiatives. Thank you for your patience.
  • You must provide your Chevron PERNR (also referred to as SAP personnel number) on your request. Your reimbursement request will not be processed without your PERNR. See below for instructions to locate your PERNR.
  • Due to the volume of reimbursement requests being handled by the claims team, you will not receive an individual confirmation that your request was approved. 
  • If submitting reimbursement requests over a period of time, be sure that your final request exactly totals the maximum limit. For example if you have $100 left to your limit and your submitted expense is $150, take care to only request $100 reimbursement from this expense. If your request exceeds the limit it will not be approved or processed.
  • Your payment will automatically appear on your paycheck once accepted and processed. You can view your paycheck statements online. The reimbursement will appear on the left side of your statement with the line item DEP CARE REIMBURSEMENT.
  • The reimbursement is considered taxable income.

How to locate your PERNR
Your reimbursement request will not be processed without your Chevron PERNR. There are many different numbers used to identify you at Chevron, so it's important that you provide the correct number as instructed below. If you do not provide your PERNR, or you provide another type of ID number, your payment will be denied and you'll have to resubmit a new request for the next monthly processing cycle. Locate your PERNR as follows:

  • On your pay statement. Look under the Personnel Number field.
  • On My HR. Click the Workday icon. Click the Personal Information icon, then About Me under the View column. On the left navigation, click Personal, then choose the ID tab. Scroll down to the Other IDs heading and provide the number next to PERNR. Do not provide the number from the Employee ID field.

Protect your personal information 
Be sure to redact all sensitive information that may appear on your expense documentation, such as credit card number, banking information, or medical facility name. In addition, do not include other sensitive personal information such as dependent’s date of birth and dependent’s medical condition.

family blue icon
need more family support?

If you still need help with the challenges of caring for your family during the COVID pandemic, check out these resources:

need help?

If you have questions or need more information about this Program, send an email to U.S. Benefits. Important: If you are inquiring about status of your reimbursement, prior to sending an email, please fully review the How to Get Reimbursed tab above, on this page. Please verify your submittal timing against the stated payment timing guidance. In addition, please review your paycheck statements online for the reimbursement line item, as per the instructions above, to ensure your reimbursement has not already been processed. If you have reviewed this information and still have concerns, send include your reimbursement request date and confirm that you've reviewed your online pay statements in your inquiry email.