
support for parents of children with learning or behavior challenges

earn points toward health rewards

Watch the video about Rethink tools and services to earn points toward health rewards. (See below to watch the latest video.) Next, record completion of this activity by going to the Rewards page on the WebMD website. Locate the Rethink video activity under the Emotional Wellbeing category on the page, click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

Rethink is a service available to all U.S.-payroll employees eligible for Chevron health and welfare benefits. Parents caring for children with developmental disabilities or learning and behavior challenges can receive free, live teleconsultations with behavior experts to answer questions, and provide guidance and resources. Additionally, Rethink provides parents with over 1,500 easy-to-follow videos depicting behavior experts and educators teaching children skills such as language, socialization, self-help, academics, vocational, and more. Printable materials as well as on-demand web-based training complement these tools as parents support their children in reaching their top potential.

Rethink can provide support for…

  • Autism spectrum disorders 
  • Developmental delays
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Learning disabilities
  • Speech/language problems
  • Down syndrome
  • Problem behaviors

While the program is best suited for children or young adults with developmental disabilities, there is no diagnosis or age range requirement to use Rethink. All families with children can benefit from this service and the Rethink resources.

the basics

  • Available to all U.S.-payroll employees eligible for Chevron health and welfare benefits.
  • Provided to eligible employees at no extra cost and with no enrollment required.
  • While the program is best suited for children or young adults with developmental disabilities, there is no diagnosis or age range requirement to use Rethink. In fact all families can benefit from Rethink tools and resources.
  • You’re permitted teleconsultation with a trained behavior expert for 14 hours over each 12-month period. Access to all other tools and resources is unlimited. 
  • You can add multiple children onto Rethink and create profiles for each child. 
  • You may grant as many family or team members to your child’s profile as desired (for example, grandparents, aunt/uncle, teacher, baby sitter and therapist).
  • This service is separate from mental health or medical benefits. In addition, you aren’t required to be enrolled in mental health or medical insurance to use this service.
  • The Rethink service is different from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. While in-home ABA services directly impact your child's learning, Rethink is an online tool for you as a parent and caregiver to not only learn how to better address behavior challenges and communicate and interact with your child when the ABA provider is not there, but also supports you in collaborating with the ABA provider.


On-demand live video chat or telephone call with experienced clinicians to help guide you through your child's learning challenges. Teleconsultations can take place day or night, weekday or weekend. Common teleconsultation topics include:

  • Teaching new skills
  • Addressing problem behaviors at home
  • Troubleshooting lack of progress
  • Collaborating with school and other providers
  • Coping with the stress of a new diagnosis or ongoing daily struggles at home

You're permitted teleconsultation with a trained behavior expert for 14 hours over each 12-month period.

video-based training

Comprehensive e-learning platform with over 1,500 research-based videos depicting clinically-trained therapists working with children like yours. Developed by nationally recognized leaders in the field and available at home on demand 24/7, the program can be customized to specifically meet the unique needs of each child. You can watch easy-to-follow videos depicting behavior experts and educators teaching children skills such as:

  • Language – from beginning speech, to back and forth conversation
  • Socialization – from making eye contact and basic sharing, to telling jokes and working in groups
  • Self-help – from using utensils and dressing, to brushing teeth, hygiene, and doing laundry
  • Academics – from matching and following directions, to answering reading comprehension and math word problems
  • Vocational – from filing and sorting, to filling out a job application

printable materials

Download and print supplemental materials such as flashcards, worksheets, schedule templates, and token boards.

care coordination

With a web-based and mobile tool, you can add an unlimited number of team members to the program and coordinate care among your child's support team including: therapists, teachers, medical professionals and family members.

peer support

Online communities, forums and webinars allow parents to communicate with and receive encouragement and support from other parents of children with autism as well as other developmental disabilities.

To get started, register online or call Rethink (scroll to bottom of page for contact information). Use the enrollment code on your first visit, then create a personal account.

The Rethink service is different from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy provided by the Chevron Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (MHSUD) Plan or other similar health benefits.

  • ABA coverage is part of your MHSUD Plan, so a covered diagnosis and pre-certification by the MHSUD Plan is required prior to receiving this coverage. In addition, ABA therapy is a for-fee health benefit, so the treatment is subject to MHSUD plan deductibles (if applicable), coinsurance schedule, and out-of-pocket amounts. 
  • The Rethink service is provided free to eligible Chevron employees. Rethink is not a health plan and does not provide diagnosis or other health treatment, so there is no deductible, coinsurance or out-of-pocket maximums associated with using the service. Because Rethink only provides behavioral resources, tools and information, a covered diagnosis is not required to take advantage of this service.

While in-home ABA services directly impact your child's learning, Rethink is an online tool for you as a parent and caregiver to not only learn how to better address behavior challenges and communicate and interact with your child when the ABA provider is not there, but also supports you in collaborating with the ABA provider. Since they can use Rethink too, you can communicate more efficiently through the Rethink program, work on the same skills, and even share data if you wish.

Social and emotional learning is vital for all children and teens to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions. Rethink Benefits is designed to provide parents and caregivers with efficient, targeted instruction of the five elements of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL):

  • Awareness of Self and Others
  • Social Awareness
  • Responsible Decision-Making
  • Relationship Building
  • Self Management

Rethink has SEL resources available online and are appropriate for various age groups from preschool through high school-aged children. These resources draw from the applied learning and social psychology literature and was developed by experts in the field. On-demand learning modules and home-connection resources provide parents and caregivers with solutions to act as role models for the SEL skills they want to see in their children, as well as tools for building healthy environments that support the well-being of the whole family. To get started with SEL, login or create an account on the Rethink portal.

rethink services

Rethink is a service available to eligible Chevron employees caring for children with developmental disabilities or learning and behavior challenges. Learn about the services and tools available through Rethink in this short video.  

Please note: Watching this video is only eligible to receive points toward Health Rewards for the "Watch a Rethink Video" activity; it is not eligible for points under the "Watch a Health Benefits Video" activity.


monthly parenting webinars

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Check out the free webinars from Rethink for a new parenting topic each month. Get the schedule and register here. Learn more about the Rethink service for U.S.-payroll employees.

view webinars

the many ways to use rethink

case study thumbnail

jack pdf opens in new window

Jack is struggling to start and stay focused on homework after school. Jack does not have a diagnosed learning disability, but his father is afraid that Jack’s grades will fall as he gets further into middle and high school.

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maria pdf opens in new window

Maria, is diagnosed with Intellectual Disability and her mother, Kristy, isn’t sure where to begin. Kristy needs help getting organized, support, and someone to talk with about how to best help her daughter.

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shanice pdf opens in new window

Shanice has recently been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Her parents use Chevron’s mental health benefits and the Rethink service to create a well-rounded treatment solution.

contact information


This web page provides only certain highlights about changes of benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. There are no vested rights with respect to Chevron health care plans or any company contributions towards the cost of such health care plans. Rather, Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.