chevron redeployment program

leaving chevron with severance

During redeployment you'll transition your work responsibilities. You may also be able to search, prepare, and apply for your next career opportunity. Here's how redeployment works and what to expect.

program highlights

You will participate in Chevron’s Redeployment Program for up to six weeks prior to your termination of employment date, as long as you continue to meet eligibility requirements.

You and your supervisor will discuss your redeployment details which include:

  • Expectations for how your work responsibilities should be transitioned.
  • The last day you'll have access to the Chevron intranet network.
  • The percentage of time you'll be able to engage in job search activities.
  • If you'll report to the workplace during any or all of this time.
You'll continue to receive your regular pay and participate in your current active, U.S.-payroll benefit plans and programs during the redeployment period. You're strongly encouraged to use this time, to learn about what happens to your employee benefit plans and programs when your employment terminates, particularly if you are eligible for Chevron retiree health and welfare benefits when you leave. Learn more here.

During redeployment, you'll have the opportunity to search, prepare, and apply for job opportunities both inside and outside the company. 

  • If you participated in an Expression of Interest (EOI) process and your EOI is approved, you will not be considered for internal Chevron job opportunities. 
  • If you decline a Chevron job offer that is not a demotion, you are viewed as having voluntarily resigned from Chevron and would forfeit any and all severance benefits associated with an involuntary layoff. The same rule applies to Chevron job offers that require relocation.

You may accept or decline any job offer received during redeployment, but you should consult your severance pay plan summary plan description to determine if your severance benefits will be affected.

If you're eligible to participate in a severance pay plan, your personalized notification letter will include your last day on Chevron payroll, referred to as your termination of employment date. 

  • Your termination of employment date is also the end of your redeployment period. 
  • At the end of your redeployment period, your regular pay and active employee benefits will end. 

Upon completion of your redeployment period and when your Chevron employment has terminated you'll be able to:

things to do before intranet network access ends

Your employee access to the Chevron intranet network may be discontinued during redeployment, depending on agreements between you and your supervisor as you complete work transition expectations. For this reason, there are some tasks you should complete prior to starting redeployment. Get started here.

This web page provides only certain highlights about changes of benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. There are no vested rights with respect to Chevron health care plans or any company contributions towards the cost of such health care plans. Rather, Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.