qualifying wellness activities

For 2022, qualifying wellness activities span the full spectrum of total well-being. You’ll earn points when you complete a combination of physical, emotional, social, financial and general health awareness activities. Each time you complete a qualifying wellness activity, you’ll earn points. Accumulate 1,000 points by October 28, 2022 to qualify for the 2023 Wellness Credit.

Click an activity below to see more information about what you need to do and the points available. You have flexibility to choose as many activities from any combination of the five categories. However, some activities and categories have a maximum number of points that can count toward your total goal. Be sure to allow plenty of time to accumulate the required points before the deadline; many activities require extended participation to complete.

health awareness – 350 maximum points

50 points 

Take (or update) the voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website by June 30, 2022 and you will automatically receive points for completing it by this deadline. These points are not available if you complete the health questionnaire after June 30, 2022.

Take (or update) the voluntary health questionnaire now

50 points 

As you make healthy choices and participate in healthy activities, be sure to take your voluntary health questionnaire each year. You can even update it throughout the year as often as you like. If your score improves when you take it between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022, you’ll receive points. 

Take (or update) the voluntary health questionnaire now

Note: After you take the health questionnaire in 2022, system records will retrieve completion history starting with the 2014 program year. If, at any time since 2014, you already took the health questionnaire and your 2022 score shows an improvement, then you’ll receive points for this activity.

100 points

 Access the Chevron Health Decision Support Program, administered by 2nd.MD, to seek a second medical opinion on any diagnosis or treatment plan. Use the Health Decision Support service between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022 to receive points. 

The Health Decision Support Program is a second medical opinion service available to help you when you’re faced with an important health decision. Contact 2nd.MD to speak directly with a leading medical specialist by video or phone about your case. There's no travel involved and 2nd.MD does all the work to gather paperwork and medical records. The 2nd.MD service could help you spot misdiagnoses, avoid unnecessary procedures, or improve an existing treatment plan. The Health Decision Support Program is available to eligible employees enrolled in a Chevron medical plan.

To initiate a second medical opinion through the Health Decision Support Program, contact a 2nd.MD nurse to request a consultation through any one of the following methods:

Upon completion of your second medical opinion consultation, you must record this qualifying activity. 

  • Go to the Rewards page on the WebMD website
  • Locate this activity on the page. 
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

25 points each, up to 75 points

Daily Habits uses behavioral science to help you improve your well-being. It’s fun and easy to use. It can help you stay motivated, achieve real results and be confident that your health is headed in the right direction—all from the convenience of a desktop or mobile device. Start a daily habit plan today to help reach your goals in a wide range of topics. Depending on the habit you choose, programs range from a few weeks to months. To help balance your commitments and allow for focus on the goal, you can work on up to 3 topics at time. 

When you start one Daily Habits plan on your WebMD account between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022, you will automatically receive 25 points. Start three Daily Habits plans times to receive 25 points each, up to 75 points total for this activity. 

Note: Points for this activity are only for initially starting a Daily Habits plan. There is a separate points activity for completion of a Daily Habit plan. See the Complete a Daily Habits plan activity below for more information.

25 points each, up to 75 points 

After you start a Daily Habits plan on your WebMD account, follow the prompts to complete the activity for points. Through weekly, daily and one-time activities, you will have learned how to better care for yourself and find balance and wellbeing. 

No matter the habit you are tracking, be sure to login daily (programs range from a few weeks to months) to check your status, see what activities are due, and enter your responses. If you miss a few days, you have a chance to use the weekly calendar to get back on track for unlogged activities. If you miss too many days, you may need to reset your plan from day one.  

When you complete all activities for a Daily Habits plan between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022, you will automatically receive 25 points. Complete three plans for 25 points each, up to 75 points total for this activity. 

Note: This activity requires advanced planning and scheduling to complete. You can view and participate in up to three active Daily Habit plans at a time. This means that if you already have three active Daily Habit plans you may need to discard a plan to participate in this one. If you intend to complete this activity, please start it months in advance of the final deadline.

physical health - 700 maximum points

50 points

Get at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose or booster (any brand) between September 1, 2021* and October 28, 2022. Next, record completion of this activity:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

*If vaccine received in 2021, enter 1/1/2022 in the date field on the WebMD website.

50 points

Get your flu shot between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022. Next, record completion of this activity:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

100 points

When you spot a disease or illness early through preventive care, the outcomes may be improved and the cost for treatment may be reduced. Complete any one of the preventive care activities listed below between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022

  • Annual physical exam (Any age or gender)
  • Annual well woman exam
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Prostate cancer screening
  • Colon cancer screening
  • Dental exam
  • Annual comprehensive eye exam

Keep in mind that not all of the screenings listed may be right for you. The screenings that are appropriate for you depend on personal factors such as your age, gender and family history. Be sure to ask your doctor about which exam you may need and the appropriate frequency. 

Chevron’s health plans cover a variety of preventive care screenings and services. While you're encouraged to get all recommended preventive care, you can only earn a maximum of 100 points for this wellness activity.

When you receive any one of the preventive care choices listed below, you must record completion of this activity.

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

50 points 

Participate in a weight loss program of your choice to earn points. For example, you could participate in a weight loss meeting, one of the local Chevron fitness center programs or the Chevron Diabetes Prevention Program with Omada (if eligible), and more.

To receive points, you must record completion of this activity.
  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

50 points 

Participate in a health club or in a sports league to earn points. 

To receive points, you must record completion of this activity.
  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

100 points

The 2022 Chevron Physical Activity Challenge runs from August 24 to October 4, 2022. This year’s challenge is called Feel Like a Million. To participate, you are required to sign up during the registration period, which begins August 10, 2022, and runs through September 7, 2022. To register or participate, visit chevron.ifeellikeamillion.com.

To receive points toward health rewards for this activity, you must complete each of the following requirements by the stated deadlines:

  1. Register for the Feel Like a Million challenge August 10 to September 7 at chevron.ifeellikeamillion.com.
  2. Participate in the challenge August 24 to October 4.
  3. Complete and log at least one challenge activity on a daily basis in your Feel Like a Million account for at least 24 of the 42 days of the challenge
  4. Log all activity by October 5, 2022.
  5. Complete the challenge evaluation in your Feel Like a Million account by October 14, 2022.

If you complete all of the requirements above by the stated deadlines and meet eligibility requirements, you’ll qualify for points toward health rewards for this activity. Your points will automatically appear in your WebMD Healthy You account by October 21, 2022.

Please note: The Feel Like a Million challenge includes an opportunity to earn “virtual board game bucks” or “virtual dollars” when you complete daily challenge activities. Challenge “virtual board game bucks” and “virtual dollars” are not the same as points toward health rewards.

100 points

Get your blood pressure measured and record your values. Learn about resources to help you get your numbers. An in-range Blood Pressure is anything 120 mmHg systolic or less and 80 mmHg diastolic or less. If both systolic and diastolic numbers are in-range, you’ll automatically earn points.

To receive points, you must record your blood pressure values using any one of the following options:

  • When you take the voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website you will be prompted to enter your blood pressure. 
  • Alternatively, enter your values into a tracker on the WebMD website. To do this, login to the WebMD website and go to the Rewards page. Locate this activity on the page and click the Do It button.

What if my numbers are not in-range? There are resources that can help. Try speaking with a WebMD health coach, discussing it with your doctor, and learning more about blood pressure.

100 points

Get your HDL, LDL and Total Cholesterol values measured and record the results. Learn about resources to help you get your numbers. If all 3 of your values are in-range, you’ll automatically earn points.

To receive points, you must record your values using any one of the following options:

  • When you take the voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website you will be prompted to enter your cholesterol.
  • Alternatively, enter your values into a tracker on the WebMD website. To do this, login to the WebMD website and go to the Rewards page. Locate this activity on the page and click the Do It button.

What if my numbers are not in-range? There are resources that can help. Try speaking with a WebMD health coach, discussing it with your doctor, and learning about cholesterol.

50 points the first coaching session, 75 points for the second and third sessions.
200 points maximum.

Work with a WebMD health coach between January 1, 2022 and October 28, 2022 to receive points. To qualify for points, work with your coach by phone, or use secure messaging from your WebMD account online or through the Wellness At Your Side mobile app. Receive 50 points the first coaching session, 75 points for the second session, and 75 points for the third session. When you complete a qualifying lifestyle management coaching phone call or a conversation through online or in-app messaging, your points are automatically applied to this activity on the Rewards section of your WebMD account.

  • A coaching phone call equals one coaching session.
  • A coaching conversation through online or in-app messaging equals one coaching session.

In addition, to participate in this coaching to receive points, you must first complete (or update) your voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website in 2022. 

Coaches are limited in their outreach to you, but you can always initiate contact with a coach as often as you need. You can only earn a maximum of 200 points for this wellness activity.
Get coaching contact information on the Healthy You page.

Important: This activity requires advanced planning and scheduling to complete. If you intend to complete this activity, please start it months in advance of the final deadline. Specialty coaching for tobacco cessation or weight management will not be reflected in this activity.

200 points

If you are currently tobacco-free and reported this status the first time you complete (or update) the voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website in 2022, you will automatically receive points. 

If you are not currently tobacco free, you can still earn points when you complete a Tobacco Cessation specialty coaching program. The Tobacco Cessation specialty coaching program is similar to standard health coaching, but with specialized assistance to work to quit. This coaching is available to all participants. The total number of your coaching sessions may vary according to your interest in engaging in the Tobacco Cessation program. You have multiple opportunities to enroll in a Tobacco Cessation 12-week program, but a minimum of 3 sessions with a Tobacco Cessation coach must be completed in the same attempt to quit program between January 1, 2022 to October 28, 2022 to automatically receive points. Being tobacco-free is important, so to get started in the Tobacco Cessation program you can do either one of the following:

  • Record your current tobacco status when you complete (or update) the voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website in 2022. 
  • Call WebMD and enroll in the Tobacco Cessation program directly, at any time, without first taking the health questionnaire, if desired.

To qualify for points, work with your coach by phone, or use secure messaging from your WebMD account online or through the Wellness At Your Side mobile app. When you complete three coaching sessions with a Tobacco Cessation coach, your points are automatically applied to this activity on the Rewards section of your WebMD account.

  • A coaching phone call equals one coaching session. 
  • A coaching conversation through online or in-app messaging equals one coaching session.

Important: This activity requires advanced planning and scheduling to complete. If you intend to complete this activity, please start it months in advance of the final deadline. 

100 - 250 points (points available varies)

Complete (or update) the voluntary health questionnaire on the WebMD website and enter your height and weight when prompted to calculate your BMI. 

  • If your BMI calculated is 29.9 or below, you will automatically receive 100 points.
  • If your BMI is 30 or above, you can still earn 250 points when you complete a Weight Management specialty coaching program

The Weight Management specialty coaching program is similar to standard health coaching, but with specialized assistance to work toward a healthy BMI. This service is only available to those that qualify. The total number of your coaching sessions may vary according to your interest in engaging in the program, but a minimum of 8 sessions with a weight management coach must be completed between January 1, 2022 to October 28, 2022 to automatically receive 250 points
To qualify for points, work with your coach by phone, or use secure messaging from your WebMD account online or through the Wellness At Your Side mobile app. When you complete eight coaching sessions with a weight management coach, your points are automatically applied to this activity on the Rewards section of your WebMD account.

  • A coaching phone call equals one coaching session. 
  • A coaching conversation through online or in-app messaging equals one coaching session.

Important: This activity requires advanced planning and scheduling to complete. If you intend to complete this activity, please start it months in advance of the final deadline. 

financial health - 250 maximum points

100 points 

Chevron offers access to one of two accounts, either the Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) or a health savings account (HSA). The premise of these accounts is simple. You contribute money, and later you can use the money in your account to help pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs. 

If you are contributing to a health savings account (HSA) or the Chevron Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) in 2022, you must report your participation to receive points:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

Please note: There are additional eligibility rules, restrictions and enrollment deadlines to participate in these health accounts. Learn more.

50 points 

Research the cost of a medical procedure or treatment to help you make informed decisions regarding your care using the Engage tool, powered by Anthem*. Use the tool now

Anthem Engage is your personalized healthcare assistant*. This tool can help you:

  • Save on the care you need. Find doctors, hospitals, and medical services. Compare them by cost and quality.
  • See how much you've spent. Review your medical claims to-date. Knowing how much you've spent can help you make benefit decisions.
  • What's your phase? Your Chevron medical plan is structured into three cost sharing phases: deductible, coinsurance, and covered. Keep track of where you're at, and learn how your benefits change as you move from phase to phase.

*Note: This activity is currently available only to employees enrolled in the Medical PPO Plan, the Chevron High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), or the High Deductible Health Plan Basic (HDHP Basic).

After you use the tool to research a procedure or treatment, you must report completion to receive points:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

100 points

To receive points for this activity, you must watch one of the health benefits videos on the hr2.chevron.com website, then record completion of this activity.

emotional wellbeing - 250 maximum points

50 points 

Complete an emotional wellbeing assessment using either one of these online resources, then follow the instructions here to record completion of this activity.

Choose from either one of the following assessment resources:

  • Complete an assessment when you sign up for the meQuilibrium (meQ) program or retake the assessment if you’ve already signed up. This private and confidential online resilience program, provided by Chevron can help you improve your well-being, build a growth mindset and enhance your focus by teaching you how to navigate stress and overcome negative thinking. This voluntary program is open to all Chevron employees. Sign up or access by visiting go.chevron.com/meq (intranet only). Use your Chevron email address to register and create a secure password. 
  • Complete an assessment using the mental health screening tool, provided by Chevron’s Employee Assistance and Worklife Services. This is a completely confidential and anonymous screening tool that is available 24 hours a day, to you and your family members. Three screenings are available, including depression, alcohol and an eating disorders screening.

To receive points for this activity:

  • Complete one of the assessment options listed above. You can complete as many assessments as you desire, but you'll only receive the maximum 50 points allotted for this activity.
  • Next, log in to the WebMD website to record completion of this activity. 
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

50 points 

To receive points, you must watch a video about the tools, resources and services provided by Rethink and then record completion of the activity on the WebMD website. 

  • Go to the Rethink information on hr2.chevron.com and watch the video included on that page.
  • Next, login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

50 points each, up to 100 points maximum

Did you know? Virtual visits with a mental health professional are now available through the Chevron Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Plan. Learn more

Visit with a mental health professional of your choice – through either Chevron EAP-WorkLife or a private practitioner through your Chevron Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Plan – and receive points. There’s always someone available to help you – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To receive points for this activity, you must record completion of your visit(s):

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

Chevron Employee Assistance and WorkLife Services (EAP-WorkLife) is an internal consulting service that is staffed with licensed, certified mental health professionals who are familiar with Chevron policies and culture. Reach an EAP Advisor day or night at CTN 842-3333, 1-925-842-3333 or 1-800-860-8205.

The Chevron Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (MHSUD) plan is automatically provided to U.S.-payroll employees who are eligible for Chevron benefits; you do not need to enroll to be covered. The MHSUD Plan provides confidential support for a wide range of personal issues – from treatment for mental health and substance abuse concerns to services for depression, stress/anxiety, family or relationship issues, personal or work concerns, and more. Beacon Health Options (Beacon) can help you locate providers under MHSUD network, answer questions about mental health and substance use disorder concerns, and more. You can also talk with a mental health professional from home with the telebehavioral health services through MDLIVE under your MHSUD Plan.

25 points per activity, 50 points maximum

Resilience may come naturally to you. But for most of us, it takes practice. Resilience is the ability to face and manage adversity, challenges and changes. Resilient people and organizations use resources adaptively and thrive. Chevron has resources to help you adapt, change and thrive. 
Participate in an activity listed on the Chevron Employee Assistance and WorkLife Services, Resilient Living page (intranet only) for points. There are many activities for you to choose from such as watching a video, attending an onsite event, and participating in your journey through meQuilibrium online (intranet only) or the meQuilibrium app. Your meQuilibrium journey is made up of skills (interactive lessons, activities, and readings) that will help you become more resilient. 
To receive points for this activity, you must record completion:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

50 points 

Chevron is committed to a safe workplace free from use of drugs and alcohol with multiple resources that are available. 

To receive points for this activity, attend a learning event hosted by the Chevron Global Substance Abuse Prevention Program, then record completion. This can be an instructor-led, in-person event, a webinar, or a virtual learning event, like a podcast.

To locate a learning event:

  • Look for announcements on WorkPlace.
  • You can also send an email to drugalc@chevron.com for information about upcoming events.

To receive points for this activity, you must record completion after you have attended an event:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

25 points 

Chevron is committed to a safe workplace free from use of drugs and alcohol with multiple resources that are available. Chevron’s Global Substance Abuse Prevention Program offers education stations with information about addictive substances in various places throughout Chevron U.S. locations. 

To receive points for this activity, visit an education station and then record completion of the activity.

To locate an education station near you:

To record completion of this activity:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

social connection - 250 maximum points

25 points per event, 100 points maximum

Strong social connection can help you improve and maintain your health and well-being. Chevron offers various opportunities for employees to connect and engage with others. Each time you attend an employee network event (intranet only), you’ll earn points. While you can attend as many events as you like, you can only log 4 events for a maximum of 100 points

You must record completion of this activity to receive points:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.

50 points per activity, 200 points maximum

Each time you attend a local wellness activities, you’ll earn points. While you can attend as many activities as you like, you can only log 4 activities here for a maximum of 200 points

Watch for announcements about local wellness activities near you. After you participate in an activity, you must record completion of this activity to receive points:

  • Login to the WebMD website.
  • Go to the Rewards page. 
  • Locate this activity on the page.
  • Click the I Did This button, and complete the required fields to receive points for this activity.
Healthy You and health rewards are voluntary wellness programs available to all benefits-eligible U.S.-payroll employees. This Notice Regarding Chevron's Wellness Programs applies to health information that may be collected when you participate in Chevron’s wellness programs, including how it’s collected, how it’s used, who will receive it, and what will be done to keep it confidential.

The health questionnaire is completely voluntary. Only you, WebMD, Chevron health care plans, and certain third party health care plan vendors will have access to your individual health questionnaire results.

This web page provides only certain highlights about changes of benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. There are no vested rights with respect to Chevron health care plans or any company contributions towards the cost of such health care plans. Rather, Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.