flexible work schedules

man pushing boy on swing
Chevron may offer the option of choosing from a variety flexible work schedule arrangements, if operating conditions, business and legal requirements permit. An overview is provided here, but you should talk to your supervisor or HR business partner about the options available for your specific situation and location.

compressed workweeks

This section provides an overview of the Chevron-approved compressed workweek schedules; reference the full Compressed Workweek Guidelines (intranet only) for more details, as needed. 

Chevron offers compressed workweeks as an alternative to the standard 5/40 work schedule (five, eight-hour days/40 hours per week). With compressed workweeks, you work longer days in exchange for additional days off. A compressed workweek schedule is designed to allow you time to balance your work and personal or family needs. Compressed workweeks comply with federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state overtime laws. 

Adoption of a compressed workweek schedule is voluntary at both the department and employee level. Each department will decide whether to offer the compressed workweek option. This decision will be based on each department’s situation and their ability to meet workload and business requirements. If your department adopts the compressed workweek schedule, you should discuss any work schedule changes with your supervisor. 

With the 9/80 compressed workweek:

  • You are scheduled to work for 9 hours a day for 4 days of each week (either Monday-Thursday or Tuesday-Friday). This is true even in weeks of a holiday, and it applies to both exempt and non-exempt employees. 
  • You will have one day off every other week (either Friday or Monday). Which day (Monday or Friday) is your designated day off depends on if you observe what Chevron refers to as Crew A or Crew B (for Fridays off) or Crew C or Crew D (for Mondays off).
  • When you work a full week (Monday – Friday), you’re scheduled to work 8 hours on the day that corresponds with the day you have off during your non-full workweeks. For example, if you have every other Friday off, you’ll work 8 hours on the Friday of your 5-day workweek.
  • If a holiday falls on your day off, the holiday is observed on the day before or the day after your scheduled day off, depending on your schedule. See the Holidays section below for further explanation.
  • When you take a vacation, the hours of vacation you use will correspond to the number of hours you’re scheduled to work on that day. So if your vacation is a Tuesday, that's 9 hours of vacation. If vacation is a Friday that is normally your scheduled work day, that's 8 hours of vacation.
  • Scheduled 9/80 days off cannot be accumulated or banked for use at some future time period.
  • Scheduled 9/80 days off should not typically be exchanged with another scheduled day of work.

With the 4/10 compressed workweek:

  • You are scheduled to work for 10 hours a day for 4 days each week. This is true even in weeks of a holiday, and it applies to both exempt and non-exempt employees.
  • You will have one day off every week.
  • If a holiday falls on your day off, the holiday is observed on the day before or the day after your scheduled day off, depending on your schedule. See the Holidays section below for further explanation.
  • When you take a vacation, the hours of vacation you use will correspond to the number of hours you’re scheduled to work on that day. So if your vacation is a Tuesday, that's 10 hours of vacation. If vacation is a Friday that is normally your scheduled day off, that's 0 hours of vacation.
  • Scheduled days off cannot be accumulated or banked for use at some future time period.
  • Scheduled days off should not typically be exchanged with another scheduled day of work.

With the summer schedule compressed workweek:

  • You are scheduled to work for 9 hours a day for 4 days each week and 4 hours each Friday.
  • When you take a vacation, the hours of vacation you use will correspond to the number of hours you’re scheduled to work on that day. So if your vacation is a Tuesday, that's 9 hours of vacation. If vacation is a Friday that's 4 hours of vacation.

If you are on a 9/80 or 4/10 compressed workweek schedule and a fixed holiday lands on your scheduled day off, it will be handled as follows:

  • If your scheduled day off is a Friday, the holiday is observed on the day before your scheduled Friday off.
  • If your scheduled day off is a Monday, the holiday is observed on the day after your scheduled Monday off.

It's also important to note that there are variations in the actual number of days and hours received as a holiday depending on your work schedule and the holidays observed in your area. See the Holidays page for further information

other flexible work options

Some locations and/or departments observe flextime. With flextime, you're permitted to adjust the beginning of your work day as long as a portion of your required work hours align with an established period of core hours at your location. If your department adopts flextime, you should discuss work schedule agreements and expectations with your supervisor.

Telecommuting is a flexible work arrangement that substitutes a company on-site work location/office with an alternative off-site location (such as home office) usually within the same geographic area. Telecommuting is not for everyone. Some employees, by the nature of their jobs, will need to report to a company work location. Other employees who wish to telecommute should conduct a self-assessment about how and where they can best accomplish work.

Existing work schedules (5/40, 9/80, 4/10, summer hours, etc.) are not affected by telecommuting. You're expected to continue to deliver results and maintain collaborative and inclusive work practices, regardless of where the work is being performed. In addition, you may be expected to work from the office (or other locations) to meet business or project needs. Telecommuting arrangements may be modified or discontinued where performance and other work expectations are not met.

Read the U.S. Telecommuting Guidelines (intranet only) for full details about this flexible work option.

Part-time employment can give both management and employees the flexibility to accommodate unique employee and work circumstances. A part-time schedule is intended to help you address important, temporary personal situations for a mutually agreed specified period of time. 

Part-time employment at Chevron is defined as employees who work from 20 to 30 hours per week on one of seven approved work schedules. If you work one of the approved part-time schedule options, you will be eligible to continue participation in all of Chevron's benefit plans. Keep in mind that the benefit entitlement for many plans will be prorated to reflect the new reduced salary in line with the new work schedule. However, the company contributions for health coverage while an eligible part-time employee will currently be maintained at the same level as a full-time eligible employee. 

Part-time employment of less than 20 hours per week may be granted as an exception to policy. However, in this situation, you are not eligible to participate in Chevron benefits with the exception of the Chevron Retirement Plan and the Employee Savings Investment Plan (ESIP). 

Read the U.S. Part-Time Employment Guidelines (intranet only) for full details about this flexible work option.

This web page provides only certain highlights about changes of benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. There are no vested rights with respect to Chevron health care plans or any company contributions towards the cost of such health care plans. Rather, Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.